Stacy Battaglini

Our Team

Photo of Stacy Battaglini

Stacy Battaglini, CIC, ACSR

Office:   Martinsburg
Department:   Commercial
Customer Service
Phone:   (304) 263-6906   Ext: 1007
Fax:   (304) 267-5542

Stacy grew up in Martinsburg, WV and was a graduate of Hedgesville High School. Stacy joined the agency while still attending Hedgesville and has been with us since 1991 working in various departments.


Currently, Stacy is our commercial lines insurance manager. Throughout her time in the industry, she has completed many insurance schools and obtained her Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), and Accredited Customer Service Representative (ACSR). Stacy has been awarded the Outstanding Customer Service Representative for the state of West Virginia 6 times!


When Stacy has free time, she enjoys spending it with her husband and son.


Stacy knows that every businesses insurance needs are different and works hard to find the best insurance for each of her clients. Give her a call!

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